Embase pour 1 electro NG6 - 3/8 - Avec limiteur
      Embase pour 1 electro NG6 - 3/8 - Avec limiteur
      Embase pour 1 electro NG6 - 3/8 - Avec limiteur
      Embase pour 1 electro NG6 - 3/8 - Avec limiteur
      Embase pour 1 electro NG6 - 3/8 - Avec limiteur

      Embase pour 1 electro NG6 - 3/8 - Avec limiteur

      text/x-generic product-prices.tpl ( UTF-8 Unicode text )
      Prix de base :
      Votre remise :
      Votre prix :
      196,76 € HT

      €236.11 TTC
      Out of stock
      Poid : 2.7kg
      Livraison : 5 à 8 jours ouvrés

      Subbase NG6 1 solenoid - with pressure relief valve

      Volume discounts

      QuantityUnit discountYou Save
      33%Up to €21.25
      108%Up to €188.89
      2012%Up to €566.66
      5015%Up to €1,770.81
      10020%Up to €4,722.16
      Quantity :
      Prices according to quantity
      (5/5) out of 1 total ratings
      Read the reviews

      Volume discounts

      Quantity Unit discount You Save
      3 3% €21.25
      10 8% €188.89
      20 12% €566.66
      50 15% €1,770.81
      100 20% €4,722.16
      Weight 2.7kg
      Diamètres Int. des tuyaux en - pouce - millimètre - module
      Ø Int. en pouce Ø Int. en mm Ø Int. en module
      3/16 5 3
      1/4 6 4
      5/16 8 5
      3/8 10 6
      1/2 13 8
      5/8 16 10
      3/4 19 12
      1" 25 16
      1"1/4 32 20
      1"1/2 38 24
      2" 50 32

      1. PF1CL180H
        1 solenoid subbase - NG6
        With pressure relief valve
        Possibility of fitting a pressure port or pressure gauge

        Side ports A and B
        Material: Steel
        PS : 315 Bar

        In a system, the role of hydraulic directional valves, also known as pre-actuators, is to control the direction of the fluid in the system. By definition, a directional valve has at least 2 positions. Depending on the position, selected manually, hydraulically, electrically or mechanically, the directional valve directs the power of the hydraulic fluid towards the desired action. This orientation is triggered by a spool whose movement to the right or left connects the ports.

        We offer a comprehensive range of hydraulic spool valves. Whether single-acting or manual double-acting, you'll easily find the device you need to distribute your hydraulic system. For your information, hydraulic directional valves are identified by the number of positions, the type of control, the number of ports, the type of centre (in the case of three positions) and the type of return or hold.
      2. On hydraulic circuit


      Data sheet

      NG6 subbases
      Number of distributors
      Subbases - Mounting
      Single with limiter

      Specific References